Warsaw, as the capital of Poland and its largest city, attracts more and more foreigners. Some come here for tourism, while others pursue studies or work. For many of them, mastering the Polish language is a key element of adapting to their new environment. With them in mind, Cup of Polish was created—a place where one can quickly and effectively learn Polish.

At Cup of Polish in Warsaw, a special emphasis is placed on individual Polish lessons that combine traditional teaching methods with modern educational solutions. This is an excellent option for those who wish to master our language as quickly as possible, as it allows them to acquire the necessary skills in a short amount of time.

In the initial stage of learning, students can count on the support of an instructor who will help them develop an individual learning plan and adjust it to their schedule. This way, every course participant has the opportunity to learn at their own pace, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of their studies.

Whether you are learning Polish for professional, personal, or educational purposes, individual lessons at Cup of Polish are an excellent choice. By working with a qualified Polish language instructor, you have the opportunity to design a learning program tailored not only to your schedule but also to your needs, interests, and educational preferences. Enrollment is open year-round, allowing for flexible planning of classes and the ability to start learning at any time.

Courses offered by Cup of Polish

When opting for individual lessons at Cup of Polish, a Polish language school for foreigners, students have the flexibility to organize their time according to their own needs. These classes are incredibly convenient, as they allow for the freedom to choose the dates and times for meetings with the instructor. Enrollment at Cup of Polish is open year-round, which means that you can start learning whenever you feel ready to take on this challenge.

At Cup of Polish, there’s something for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, your journey to mastering the Polish language will be smooth and enjoyable. The instructors use a variety of teaching methods and educational materials designed to meet the needs of each student. These materials are well-thought-out and tailored to specific proficiency levels.

Given the diverse backgrounds of participants, learning Polish at Cup of Polish can be an adventure not just in language, but also in culture. This is why individual lessons are an excellent choice, offering a deep dive into the world of the Polish language and culture, tailored to each student's expectations and needs.

In addition to individual lessons, Cup of Polish also offers group Polish language classes for foreigners.

1-on-1 Lessons

Individual lessons are perfect for you if you want to make quick progress and work with an instructor to create a personalized program tailored not only to your schedule but also to your needs, interests, and educational preferences. Enrollment is open year-round.

140 PLN
60 minutes

Cup of Polish in Warsaw is a place where, thanks to a personalized approach and a variety of teaching methods, you can learn Polish quickly and effectively. Regardless of your proficiency level or the goals you want to achieve, these lessons combine traditional teaching methods with modern educational solutions to help you master the Polish language and communicate comfortably in everyday life.

We invite you to get in touch! Call or write to us, and we’ll arrange a meeting. This will allow us to get to know each other better and discuss the details of our collaboration.